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How Can Recruiters Use Data to Drive Performance?


​Recruiters - Your data is one of your most important assets.

Data coupled with your time, your process, and your wit, can make for a super slick and profitable recruitment process.

But if you don’t know your numbers, and you don’t work your data, you are simply a recruitment administrator, being busy, but not being very effective.

In my vodcast with Tracey O’Neill from The Data Consultant we chatted about how you can:

  1. Work your data.

  2. Control your process.

  3. Be a profitable Recruitment Consultant and Leader.

Whether you’re a recruitment leader wanting a sustainable recruitment business with high-performing recruiters, or a recruiter that wants to run a successful recruitment desk, this vodcast is a great listen (or watch).

Sexy / Clients / RoE

I chatted with Tracey about how to use data to be a more effective recruiter:

  1. Data: A sexy asset which can drive your recruitment candidate and sales pipeline.

  2. Clients: Own their data, work it, and drive your relationships!

  3. RoE: What is it and what's it got to do with data and recruitment?

What key takeaways does Tracey have for recruiters and recruitment leaders regarding how they can use data to run their desks and businesses?

Recruitment leaders and recruiters – buckle up and get at least one takeaway to help you improve performance.

Watch the trailer of my vodcast with Tracey...

The full vodcast, along with other great sales and recruitment training, can be found on our training platform Recruitment HIIT.



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