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How Can Recruiters and Their Leaders Drive Performance?


​Recruitment can be a very reactive industry and process.

But the best recruiters and leaders are proactive with their desks and businesses.

Meet Vanessa Collins. Her 25+ years working with recruitment businesses gives invaluable insight. She chats with me about improving performance.

Whether you’re a recruitment leader wanting a sustainable recruitment business with high-performing recruiters, or a recruiter wanting to run a successful recruitment desk, this vodcast is a great listen (or watch).

Change, Perform, Skills!

I chatted with Vanessa about how recruiters and leaders can:

  1. Optimise their desks and business - and she has a handy checklist to help!

  2. Change: How can you manage change?

  3. Perform: How can you improve performance?

...And we discussed which skills are crucial for recruiters and leaders.

Change isn't about "everything, everywhere, all at once..." Now more than ever improving performance is a key goal - but what works?

Time to Drive (Not Be A Passenger!)

You need to drive your candidates, clients, and colleagues (your 3Cs).

Look out for key takeaways Vanessa has for you. What can you action now and in the future?

Watch the trailer of my vodcast with Vanessa...

The full vodcast, along with other great sales and recruitment training, can be found on our training platform Recruitment HIIT.



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