Marketers who feel “unloved” or “worked” in the wrong way will totally get this blog, and likely forward to their leaders and recruiters. Recruitment Leaders and recruiters need to read this blog if hey feel that they are not making money from marketing!
Recruitment Marketing and Sales are Disconnected
I recently had dinner with a recruitment leader (anonymous) and we were talking about her goals for the year…
Profit, Effectiveness, ROI, CRM Upgrade, Marketing…
Or rather she said:
I want to get more ROI from my colouring-in department!
In my recruitment marketing mentoring programs I often come across Recruitment Marketing departments who are disconnected from Sales – disconnected enough to warrant a (healthy) scepticism. This is often demonstrated by graphs showing community sizes rather than fees generated from marketing activities.
Why? I often find that this is due to a complete lack of understanding (by Sales) of what Marketing is there for. Marketing are often not expected to generate leads, and if they do, Sales sometimes don’t stop cold calling long enough to convert them, or feedback to Marketing on improving the lead criteria.
Who Cares About Your LinkedIn Followers? I Want Candidates to Apply for Jobs, and Clients to Pay Invoices
We all know Greg Savage. We even had a webinar dedicated to (our invented) Greg Savage day. He has numerous sound bites, one of which is so pertinent to this:
Those of you getting your staff to compete over cold calls are competing over who can piss off the most prospects… Cold calls? Warm calls are better.
Now warm calls are not generated by radiators or working in hot climates – they are generated by marketing (delivered by Sales and Marketing).
Marketing is all about being in the peripheral vision of your talent and clients – content, events, great job adverts…
Marketing should rule lead generation – not simply colour it in!
If you agree with Greg (as my clients do) that this year is about recruiters being more focused marketers, and you agree with me…
If you’re a marketer it’s about recruiters… if you’re a recruiter it’s about marketing.
Then you need to either radically change your perception of your colouring in department, or hire a new more sales-focussed one. It’s all about ROI!
5 Things You Can Do to Get Your Marketing Department to Put Their Crayons Down (and Generate ROI)
Tell them who your target clients are – seriously, they’ll love knowing and they’ll get super giddy when they see these clients surfing your website and engaging with their content.
Give them a budget to generate leads. Even as an IT Director in my younger days, my Commercial Director said “I’ll give you £1 as long as you make me £2!”
Put down the cold call and demand a list of warm calls.
Stop jumping out of your cave with your club looking for the Woolly Mammoth and start looking to be stroked. Are you so busy chasing that you can’t see who’s looking at you?
Get a lead from your marketing department and it’s not worth your time? Feedback and demand better (nicely).
Marketing ROI is About Perception and Expectation
Recruitment marketers need to “get” Sales, generate leads, demonstrate value and get into the thick of growing a business.
Recruiters need to “get” that Marketing (with a big and small m) is intrinsically part of the sales process, not simply a pretty logo, website, LinkedIn Recruiter Licence sign off, etc…
And when Marketing generates super leads for you, convert them into sales please, then tell Marketing how much money they have helped you take home that month, say thanks, and don’t be surprised if they log that somewhere and remind you of it regularly.
I train and mentor recruitment marketers to generate the 4Cs: candidates, clients, colleagues and cash.
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Our high intensity interval training - Recruitment HIIT - helps recruiters source, convert quicker, and develop healthy pipelines, and recruitment marketers attract, engage, and retain candidates, generate clients, and colleagues (3Cs).
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Automation Tip - Housekeeping to Increase Speed and ROI
We've got a 1-minute tip to ensure that your automations increase speed and ROI - and it's all about housekeeping!Often, housekeeping an automation platform is the last thing on anyone's mind, especially when recruiters need quick wins like more leads, opportunities, candidates and clients, and placements!But on my Automation Buddy programs, where I coach and build automations for ambitious recruitment businesses, I often find their automation system bloated, difficult to manage, sluggish, and driving little ROI.I find:Too many lists.Active automations which no longer needed.Duplicated surveys.Unnecessary fields are syncing.Difficult to assess ROI.The Impact? Anti-ROIWhen you don't keep your automation system clean, and you ignore regular housekeeping, you will inadvertently achieve the total opposite of what automation was setup to do for you.Wasted time: You spend time unpicking each time you want to build a new automation, or when you want to analyse an existing automation.Spam and disengagement: You risk spamming or over-communicating with candidates, contacts, and recruiters, creating disengagement and unsubscribes.Reduced speed: Your automations may actually slow down and create delays with processing unnecessary data.But I have a fix for you to ensure that automation housekeeping is on point keeps your system running smoothly and delivering massive ROI.Watch My Quick 1-Minute Automation Video, Nail Your HousekeepingAutomation BuddyWe are Automation Buddies set on helping ambitious recruitment businesses who want to drive revenue using automation.READ ABOUT OUR AUTOMATION BUDDY SERVICENeed more Bullhorn / Automation Tips? Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARS
How to Use Bullhorn to Drive and Secure Your Sales Pipeline
Recruiters! We're keen to share Bullhorn tips to help you drive and secure your sales pipeline. Whether you are a BD, an account manager, a resourcer, or a 360 recruiter, you will "ABS" - always be selling. This webinar recording is perfect for some quick wins!Every task you deliver should be setting the tone, solving a problem, and creating a great experience for candidates and clients. This will drive a sale - ideally laying the groundwork for repeat business!Whether you have Bullhorn Corporate or Bullhorn Enterprise, there's plenty it can do to help you proactively manage your sales process. As part of our Bullhorn ROI service we train recruiters to "weaponise" their time, data, and Bullhorn, so we have lots of tips and tricks to help you drive your sales.ABS - Always Be SellingWith candidate and client experience, and sales, there's always room for improvement.We know that:69% of clients would work with a recruiter recommended to them. (Source: CIPD)60% of salespeople struggle with a lack of organization. (Source: ValueSelling Assoc)Effective CRM use can boost sales by 29% and increase productivity by 34% (Source:Salesforce)Whether you are a full time sales person in recruitment, or a recruiter in charge of delivery, every day is a sales day. ABC (always be closing) and ABS (always be selling) should be your mantra. Watch this Bullhorn "1st" tips webinar and get some ideas on how to use Bullhorn to proactively manage your sales process. Watch How to Use Bullhorn to Drive and Secure Your Sales PipelineNeed more Bullhorn / Automation Tips? Try our 1-minute tips.Sign up for future Automation and Bullhorn webinars, and get some tips from our past webinar recordings.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARSRecruitment and Bullhorn TrainingWe deliver the best live Bullhorn ROI webinar training, and you'll find other tips and tricks in Recruitment HIIT, our online recruitment training platform.TRY HIIT FREE HERECONTACT US ABOUT BULLHORN ROI
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