Recruitment Leaders buy a website not because they have better things to spend their money on, but because they need to generate the 3Cs – candidates, client and colleagues – oh and a small matter of cash (4th c!) Recruitment marketers need their website to make them look good, and make generating candidates and leads easier.
Does your Recruitment Website Generate Leads, or just Clicks?
Every recruitment website should have either Google Analytics or at least some way of measuring hits, time spent on your site, which jobs your candidate clicked on to, which case studies your clients read, whether a recruiter came to your Work for Us page – and for how long, where the surfer was located… (a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…)
But did you know that Google can tell you some other pretty exciting stuff about the makeup of your candidates, clients and colleagues, (ewoks and wookies)? And it can also tell you the secret formula (The Force) to winning your candidates’ and clients’ hearts and minds? In other words, it tells you who they are, where they are, what devices they are using to access your site, which browser (blaster) they use to find you, and so on.
Devices Are Really Exciting!
Here’s something not a lot of people have talked about (including the mighty Yoda!). I was with a client recently and we were reviewing their website’s Google Analytics. We discovered that over 50% of the 40% of their surfers were using Apple devices.
Translation: 20% (1 in 5) of their surfers were using an Apple device. Translation: A significant amount… so significant that the next stat on the list was Samsung S9 at 5% – hence a lot of people are using Apple to access my client’s site. They are now penning some “Best Apps Every Engineer Needs for Their iPhone” blogs etc… to attract their ideal engineering candidates.
This data is gold dust! I’m not sure we got to light sabres, but I bet it was a few!
Surfing whilst sitting on the toilet playing holographic chess with a wookie
I’ve done a lot of recruiter polls and a recent one I did proved that: male recruiters are more likely to do business whilst doing their business on the loo (toilet for our non-UK friends!).
Your Google Stats Tell You About Me
So, I am surfing your site, I am holding my device. My device gets more me-time than my husband and kids. It gets more me-time than my hair, face, car, Millennium Falcon – it IS me – so when I use it to surf you, I am giving you a monstrous clue about what I care about, about what gets me through the day, what organises my time, what directs me, when to jump to light speed: it speaks, I listen!
I Am in Love With My Device!
I care about my phone! Am I unusual? I don’t think so… when was the last time you left the house without your phone, got to work and said, “Oh dear! I’ve left my phone at home, oh never mind, I’ll deal with that when I get home!”? And then proceeded to have a stress-free day and forget all about it! How would Luke have coped without R2D2 in Empire Strikes back? (You could see what he has to say about this with a fab R2D2 translation website I found recently!)
Oh no! It’s more akin to you trying to behave like you haven’t had your right hand cut off (Luke!), whilst not behaving irrationally, fear of missing out #FOMO, and downright panicking that if people can’t get hold of you the world will end (missed calls, missed placements, missed targets, you’ll not find out who your father really is!?)
Talk Dirty to Me
So, if we agree that the average mobile user cares about their device, and Google tells you which device they are using to look at you, then do the maths! Use this data to help you create a communication strategy (Darth Vader’s mind choke!).
If lots of people access your website with an Apple device, talk about Apple! It’s really simple!
Talk about things that will help your surfer – keep them engaged.
You are a niche finance recruiter? Tell accountants which top 10 apps for Apple they should be using! Interim / Contract recruiter? Tell your candidates which apps can help them travel at the speed of light and not spend loads in the process! Jedi temp specialist? Which apps can they use to engage their hyperdrive?
Or You Can Bore Me To Tears
Or you can continue with what many recruiters seem to still be doing right now which is:
To bore me to tears with irrelevant content, (Star Wars Episodes 1-3!)
To sound self-obsessed – talking about themselves all day long… #yawn #NerfHerder!
To be totally silent… (try harder!) #IsAnyoneThere #HelpMeObi
Make Your Marketer a Coffee
Check out your Google Analytics and see what your audience is telling you.
This is just one of a myriad of stats which you can get from Google and if you have 5 minutes you can massively improve the experience your surfers have, and perhaps even take the content plans to a wider social media audience (intergalactic!)
If you don’t have access to your analytics, as your marketing department guards them with their lives, make them a cuppa (they rarely get thanks or intelligent questions) and ask them to do something that they will enjoy, as opposed to you simply thinking they are there to create a PowerPoint presentation for you… Buy them a cake and have a useful conversation with them about who your audience is. This will take you a massive step forward and have a massive impact on your ability to attract Jedi and clients.
Do you know what devices / operating systems / browsers your users surf you from? Find out – it could take you beyond the Forest Moon of Endor!
We don’t just chat about Star Wars all day… we also train recruiters to become more successful with Adapt, Bullhorn, LinkedIn, Inbound Sales, Job Adverts, and Email and Content Marketing.
HIIT Us, Recruiters!
Our high intensity interval training - Recruitment HIIT - helps recruiters source, convert quicker, and develop healthy pipelines, and recruitment marketers attract, engage, and retain candidates, generate leads, and colleagues (3Cs).
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Bullhorn Tip - Source Quicker With Favourites
We've got a favourite 1-minute Bullhorn tip to help you source quicker. Drowning in candidates but needing to find them quickly can be super frustrating - and massively time-consuming. Spending too long sourcing means the rest of your recruitment workflow (screening, nurturing, managing, placing) takes a hit! We have a Bullhorn tip to help you increase sourcing speed. (Who needs LinkedIn and job adverts when you likely have all the candidates you need on Bullhorn already!?) Favourite the Search! You likely need lists of tip-top candidates you want to return to at speed. Creating a search and favouriting it is a must!You can even make your searches Public (sharing is caring) or Private.Easy! Watch my 1-minute Bullhorn tip - then go to Bullhorn and create some faves! Watch Our Bullhorn Tip to Create Favourite SearchesNeed more Bullhorn / Automation Tips? Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARSBullhorn TrainingWe deliver the best Recruitment and Bullhorn training through live webinars and our online training platform, Recruitment HIIT.Our recruitment training helps new and experienced recruiters qualify their jobs, speedily source and advertise, and improve their screening. It boosts CV to interview ratios, whilst giving great tips to prevent counter offers, and secure the placement and beyond.Plus, if you have Bullhorn, Analytics, Automation, SourceBreaker, LinkedIn, Calendly, Teams, Daxtra, Broadbean, idibu, Hinterview, Paiger, Adapt, we train on those too!TRY HIIT FREE HERE
Bullhorn Tip - Get Organised with Tasks
Try to this speedy Bullhorn 1-minute tip to help you get organised and do more of the "good stuff"!We know that the average recruiter needs a time machine, a PA, a 24-hour day, and a sense of humour! And we know that productivity in recruitment has never been more important!Recruiter Productivity StatsThe average employee spends 2 hours 11 minutes procrastinating every day. (Source: Zippia)Up to 80% of the average working day is spent on activities with little or no value. (Source: Cornerstone)Recruiters have no more than a total of 75 minutes of undistracted, productive working time per day. (Source: Cal Newport)But if you have Bullhorn, the Task feature will help you stay focused, and at least keep your candidate and client activities on track!Don't Miss Opportunities!In the very least, use Bullhorn Tasks to:Manage your candidate management tasks.Drive your client sales / BD / Account management tasks.Turbo your recruitment lifecycle and ensure that you get your jobs placed and quick!Optimise your placement process: referrals, check-ins, follow-ups, feedback, testimonials.Watch Our 1-Minute Bullhorn Tip to Help You Get Organised with TasksNeed more LinkedIn / Bullhorn / Automation / Recruitment Tips?Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARSBullhorn ROI + Trained Happy Recruiters = More SalesWe pride ourselves on helping recruitment leaders achieve Bullhorn ROI. We create a Bullhorn1st vision, reduce the need for other tech, optimise Bullhorn, automate their sales-prevention processes and data, and train recruiters to trust it and use it.ARRANGE A FREE CONSULTATION NOW
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