Recruiters! “Get on the phone!” That’s what was said in the early 2000s, and continues to be said in every recruitment office across the globe.
But with so many systems (Bullhorn, Adapt, LinkedIn, Job Boards – and a plethora of other systems designed to help you source, scrape, spy), where on earth should a recruiter start? How are you supposed to get on the phone when you are surrounded by tech? Here are some tips recruiters love from my Inbound Sales Training Workshop.
How to Get a Recruiter on the Phone – HIIT Them!
Recruitment Leaders want their teams on the phone more. Recruiters often want to be on the phone, but need a purpose for the call, and they’re being distracted by systems and software. They need some inbound sales to kick start the sales process.
I’ve been talking about HIIT (high intensity interval training) for a while. I am a Joe Wicks devotee, a gym fanatic with a PT who has made me sweat in places I didn’t know I had places. I’m addicted to logging my workouts – my Garmin is one of my most useful bits of tech. As a multi-tasker HIIT is a gift.
We use HIIT in our recruitment training to help recruiters get value from their time – we’ve found that this new approach to recruitment training is a massive improvement. You just don’t want to be away from your desk for 4-6 hours. The forgetting curve is a recruiter’s enemy. You need a high intensity, passionate training session to get the blood pumping and the sales coming – and to make your training stick!
I have created a 9-minute HIIT for Recruiters to help you get on the phone. It’s nine, 1-minute hacks to drive more purposeful calls. Get in for 08:30, get a strong coffee, warm up, set your watch, and get started!
3-2-1 Recruiters! Go!
1. Check your LinkedIn SSI (social selling index) – it’s free, and has tips to help you improve your approach. This takes less than a minute. Quickly check – don’t get distracted. Make a note of where you need to improve, then, move to exercise 2.
2. Now you need to spend 1 minute attracting attention from the people you want to sell to (and get the CV of). You claim you are a niche recruiter – now’s the time to prove it. Spend 1 minute sharing some content that they are likely to look at, that once they have looked are likely to look at your profile. (And you’ll see them do it and can add to your call list.)
3. Repost your top jobs in 1 minute. No-one is staring at your profile all day, so you’re unlikely to wind anyone up by sharing jobs every day. Get cracking – you need job applications and you won’t get them by posting them once and walking away for 30 days!
4. Whilst you’re posting content and jobs think about my hack for getting the damn things read and actioned! Spending 1 minute whispering will get you nowhere. Be smart and get noticed – try my LinkedIn posting hacks:
“The doctors in my medical community with love this post about the best apps for medical professionals – I especially love # 5”.
Trust me, recruiters! This will attract doctors, market your brand and get them wanting to know what # 5 is. Click bait!
“This a great job for IT Managers who want to work in a business with the best hardware and a bought-in board of Directors who really get what IT can do for a business”.
Recruiters – mention the pain points of your community and they’ll read your job adverts. (More job advert hacks here)
5. There’s plenty of things a recruiter can do one-handed ;-)! And sourcing is one of them. You do not need lengthy boolean strings to pickle your brain and test your patience. There are at least 13 places in LinkedIn where you can source with one hand (and two eyes). Try areas like your home page, the pages of your ideal candidates – look for “people like” etc… and who has liked the content of your competitors / clients. These are warm gifts, not cold calls! damn! Get on the phone and source one-handed at the same time… it’s possible!
6. Right – I know you think know how to connect, but I have a hack for you to get you super-effective. When you send your ideal connection an invite, add some content which gets your contact hooked. If it’s from your website, rock n’ roll! Ask your marketer to set up something like Leadfeeder – this tells you who has been to your website. You should have a target list of people you want to convert. Send them your content, see if they bite. Add them to your call list if they do. Rinse and repeat if they don’t!
Try this TURBO in your HIIT, recruiters! I have worked with a few recruiters using Calendly… a really cute (free) bit of kit that shows your prospects areas of your diary that you want them to book for a call. Send them a link with some call date options. Let them know (think) that that they are in charge. Without lifting a finger, fill your diary with your target’s interview appointments! This is one of my favourite Recruiter Hacks.
“Hi Uzma, I’m sending you this link as I have a role that I know you’ll be great at and it has such a great benefits package and training and development opportunities. Feel free to book a call with me at a time to suit you.”
7. Spend 1 minute getting under the skin of your prospects. Use Crystal Knows to study the profiles of your prospects, and use the tips it gives you for how to convert them. It’s a scarily accurate profiler!
8. We all know that video is the biggest thing to hit the web, and its going to the biggest thing to help you convert. Try Loom to record a 30 second “hi” video that you can send to your prospects.
Get an ideal client’s job advert on your screen and talk to them about the candidates you have for them.
“Hi Luke, I see that you’re looking for a Project Manager. I work in your field and understand how crucial this role must be fore you. I have currently got 5 candidates that I know would be a great asset to your business.”
Get your prospect candidate on your screen and record
“Hi, Emily. I can see that you are a ###, and that you get a kick out of ###. I’d love to talk to you about ###…”
Sending someone a video about themselves, with your face in the bottom left, and you’re talking to them – they’ll be hooked!
9. Spend 1 minute checking your LinkedIn notifications (bell, top right!) Look for birthdays, promotions, who’s viewed your profile, who’s liked your content. All of the stuff you’ve done above will be reaping rewards. Grab these leads. Add this to your call list.
Recruiters! It’s not even 09:00 and you’re ready to rock!
Get on the Phone and Sell, Recruiters
We deliver these recruiter hacks as part of our Inbound Sales Training Workshops. Contact me if you want to not only get your recruiters on the phone, but also generating some genuine and convertible leads.
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HIIT Us, Recruiters!
Our high intensity interval training - Recruitment HIIT - helps recruiters source, convert quicker, and develop healthy pipelines, and recruitment marketers attract, engage, and retain candidates, generate leads, and colleagues (3Cs).
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How to Use Bullhorn to Drive and Secure Your Sales Pipeline
Recruiters! We're keen to share Bullhorn tips to help you drive and secure your sales pipeline. Whether you are a BD, an account manager, a resourcer, or a 360 recruiter, you will "ABS" - always be selling. This webinar recording is perfect for some quick wins!Every task you deliver should be setting the tone, solving a problem, and creating a great experience for candidates and clients. This will drive a sale - ideally laying the groundwork for repeat business!Whether you have Bullhorn Corporate or Bullhorn Enterprise, there's plenty it can do to help you proactively manage your sales process. As part of our Bullhorn ROI service we train recruiters to "weaponise" their time, data, and Bullhorn, so we have lots of tips and tricks to help you drive your sales.ABS - Always Be SellingWith candidate and client experience, and sales, there's always room for improvement.We know that:69% of clients would work with a recruiter recommended to them. (Source: CIPD)60% of salespeople struggle with a lack of organization. (Source: ValueSelling Assoc)Effective CRM use can boost sales by 29% and increase productivity by 34% (Source:Salesforce)Whether you are a full time sales person in recruitment, or a recruiter in charge of delivery, every day is a sales day. ABC (always be closing) and ABS (always be selling) should be your mantra. Watch this Bullhorn "1st" tips webinar and get some ideas on how to use Bullhorn to proactively manage your sales process. Watch How to Use Bullhorn to Drive and Secure Your Sales PipelineNeed more Bullhorn / Automation Tips? Try our 1-minute tips.Sign up for future Automation and Bullhorn webinars, and get some tips from our past webinar recordings.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARSRecruitment and Bullhorn TrainingWe deliver the best live Bullhorn ROI webinar training, and you'll find other tips and tricks in Recruitment HIIT, our online recruitment training platform.TRY HIIT FREE HERECONTACT US ABOUT BULLHORN ROI
Automation Tip - Housekeeping to Increase Speed and ROI
We've got a 1-minute tip to ensure that your automations increase speed and ROI - and it's all about housekeeping!Often, housekeeping an automation platform is the last thing on anyone's mind, especially when recruiters need quick wins like more leads, opportunities, candidates and clients, and placements!But on my Automation Buddy programs, where I coach and build automations for ambitious recruitment businesses, I often find their automation system bloated, difficult to manage, sluggish, and driving little ROI.I find:Too many lists.Active automations which no longer needed.Duplicated surveys.Unnecessary fields are syncing.Difficult to assess ROI.The Impact? Anti-ROIWhen you don't keep your automation system clean, and you ignore regular housekeeping, you will inadvertently achieve the total opposite of what automation was setup to do for you.Wasted time: You spend time unpicking each time you want to build a new automation, or when you want to analyse an existing automation.Spam and disengagement: You risk spamming or over-communicating with candidates, contacts, and recruiters, creating disengagement and unsubscribes.Reduced speed: Your automations may actually slow down and create delays with processing unnecessary data.But I have a fix for you to ensure that automation housekeeping is on point keeps your system running smoothly and delivering massive ROI.Watch My Quick 1-Minute Automation Video, Nail Your HousekeepingAutomation BuddyWe are Automation Buddies set on helping ambitious recruitment businesses who want to drive revenue using automation.READ ABOUT OUR AUTOMATION BUDDY SERVICENeed more Bullhorn / Automation Tips? Try our 1-minute tips.Be sure to sign up for (or watch the recordings of) our regular free Bullhorn and Automation webinars.CHECK OUT OUR WEBINARS
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